Shirley Choi is an award winning composer, accomplished children’s book author and talented musician. In 2023, Shirley accomplished a remarkable feat by emerging as the sole Asian winner of the world championship in the orchestral category of the Film Music Contest. Her victory shone brightly among the contestants from more than 70 countries, further amplifying her talent in the music field.
From June 2022 to November 2024 Shirley successfully delivered 33 concerts for a variety of prestigious organisations, including the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Hong Kong Police Force Happy Teen Concert, Hong Kong Taoist Association, JP Morgan , TVB, and Tencent. Shirley' s responsibilities included curating music programs, composing original score , providing training, overseeing music and stage production. Shirley's passion for music and dedication to supporting disabled musicians and artists are highly praised by society. Shirley believes that through arts and music, Hong Kong can transcend boundaries and make a meaningful impact by offering a venue for disabled and underprivileged musicians and artists to shine, contributing to a better world.
蔡筱蕊 是一位曾在世界不同國際比賽當中獲取獎項的作曲家。 2023年,Shirley取得了非凡的成就,在 Film Music Contest 管弦樂組得到世界冠軍。此獎項有來自70個國家作曲家的參與. Shirley 成為此次比賽當中,唯一一名能夠得到獎項的亞裔作曲家. 2022年6月至2024年11月,Shirley成功為多個知名機構舉辦了33場音樂會,包括香港故宮文化博物館、香港警隊 Happy Teen 音樂會、香港道教協會、摩根大通、無線電視和騰訊。Shirley 除了音樂創作以外還有豐富舞台表演以及製作經驗. Shirley 對音樂的熱情以及對殘疾音樂家和藝術家的奉獻精神受到社會的高度讚譽。Shirley相信,透過藝術和音樂為殘疾和弱勢音樂家和藝術家提供一個發光發熱的平台,為世界和社會做出有意義的貢獻,
"Happy Go Lucky" 樂也融融 is a diverse band comprising of exceptionally skilled and trained musicians from a wide range of backgrounds. Our band members come from various walks of life, including individuals with disabilities. Despite these challenges, each member has excelled in their respective musical fields .
Check out this great video
Happy Go Lucky Band live@ MTR 45th Trainval
Happy Go Lucky Band - A member of Hong Kong Arts Without Boundaries Live @HK Fringe Club
Sharon Choi is a gifted vocalist, trained in classical techniques, and with a diverse repertoire that includes pop, jazz, and rock music. She is currently pursuing a degree in translation at university, while also serving as the lead singer for Hong Kong Arts Without Boundaries Foundation - Happy Go Lucky Band. Her soulful and hypnotic voice is truly captivating. Sharon lost her eyesight at the young age of 8 due to Retinopathy, which limits her vision to light and shadows. Despite this challenge, Sharon has maintained a positive outlook on life and continues to spread love and positivity wherever she goes.
蔡樂詩 Sharon是一名精通古典及流行唱腔的歌手。Sharon 為共融藝術音樂協會- 樂也融融主音歌手.於2023年藝無疆比賽中獲得個人歌唱特別獎。Sharon自小患有視網膜退化,現時只能看見光和影,但視力的限制無阻她以讓人出神入化的歌聲改變世界。Sharon性格開朗,致力透過音樂和她的經歷帶出正能量,希望給予人們多一點愛與鼓勵。Sharon 有豐富的演出經驗曾在香港故宮文化博物館和香港共融樂團演出多場音樂會及中環大館和無綫電視 J2ers合作擔當司儀和唱歌.
Hugo and Jayden Pang have vast performance experience and has studied music in different places around the world, including Vienna, the music capital of Austria, London, UK, New York, USA, and Seoul, South Korea. They have performed in high profile venue including the Cultural Center, City Hall , the Hong Kong Convention Centre and the Hong Kong Palace Museum. Both of them have also participated in interviews and performances with different media such as Tencent, TVB, and Radio Television Hong Kong. In 2019 and 2021, HUGO AND JAYDEN shared stage with Jacky Cheung and Eason Chan at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition . In 2023, HUGO AND JAYDEN won the Best Style Award from the Hong Kong Arts with Disabilities Association. JAYDEN also became the best Strings Player of the Hong Kong Integrated Orchestra HKE in 2023. Jayden is the principal violin player for Hong Kong Arts Without Boundaries Foundation.
彭鈺承 , 彭鈺林 是香港土生土長。小提琴樂手。至小患有輕度自閉症. 在機緣巧合下母親測覺兒子對音樂有特別天份繼而尋找小提琴老師教導當年九歲的 HUGO AND JAYDEN 開始學習小提琴。母親希望他們學習小提琴除了幫助發展一門專業技能也給予孖仔在其他方面與人接觸的機會。在過去的12年當中 HUGO AND JAYDEN曾多次參與不同音樂表演和比賽也被香港不同樂團招攬成為恆常小提琴手。HUGO AND JAYDEN參與的樂團包括有香港共融藝術音樂協會-樂也融融樂隊 Happy Go Lucky Music Ensemble , HKE, 香港青年樂團。 HUGO AND JAYDEN 希望透過音樂帶出傷健共融訊息,希望世界各地喜歡音樂的人士能感到特殊人士也能像平常人一樣在音樂方面有卓越的成就. 孖仔 也希望將來可以用他們的音樂知識回饋社會幫助有需要的人.
Hardy Li is an exceptionally talented young musician with a gift for both piano and violin. He is a core member of Hong Kong Arts Without Boundaries Foundation - Happy Go Lucky Music Ensemble. In 2024, Hardy won Gold Prize at the Guangzhou Strings Society Music Competition. His performances transcend mere notes, reaching deep into the hearts of his audience with impeccable technique and articulation. A rare talent, Hardy combines his musical prowess with a positive mindset and a warm smile, creating a captivating presence that enchants all who have the privilege of listening to him play.
Richard Lam loved music as a child. He began learning the piano at age 6 and the GuZheng at age 9. During his secondary school years, he enrolled in the Junior Music Programme, majoring in GuZheng, at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. Richard attained an ABRSM Grade 8 in piano and received a merit in the Performance Diploma for GuZheng from the Central Conservatory of Music Examination. Furthermore, he was awarded the gold medal for advanced GuZheng solo performance at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and secured first place in the ‘Chinese Instruments Music Festival Plucked-Stringed Advanced Group’ at the Hong Kong Intercultural Young Musician Competition. Additionally, he is a piper in the Hong Kong Island Region Scouts Pipe Band .
Richard Lam
林潤泉從小就喜歡音樂。由六歲開始學習鋼琴,及九歲時開始學習古箏。他分別考獲ABRSM 鋼琴 八級成績,及獲取了中央音樂學院古箏演奏文憑考試的優異成績。他曾獲得第73屆香港校際音樂節深造組古箏獨奏金獎,以及全港中西𣿬萃青少年音樂家大賽「中式弦樂彈撥高級組別」第一名,潤泉現為童軍港島地域樂隊的風笛手成員。
Chris Tang is a remarkably talented and versatile musician, who was diagnosed with autism at a young age. Despite facing these challenges, he has managed to excel in a wide range of musical
endeavour and has received professional certification in a variety of instruments, including piano, clarinet, oboe, violin, viola, and cello.endeavours and has received professional certification in a variety of instruments, including piano, clarinet, oboe, violin, viola, and cello. He is the principal cellist for Hong Kong Arts Without Boundaries Foundation - Happy Go Lucky Band
鄧浩研是一位非常有才華和多才多藝的音樂家,他在年輕時被診斷出患有自閉症。儘管面臨這些挑戰,他仍然在廣泛的音樂事業中表現出色,並獲得了各種樂器的專業認證,包括鋼琴、單簧管、小提琴。並在其他樂器都表现出色包中提琴、大提琴、長笛、巴松管、薩克斯等等!他非凡的音樂才華有能力觸動觀眾的心,讓他們驚嘆不已的表演。浩研擁有豐富的演出經驗,曾在香港故宮文化博物院、香港文化中心及大會堂等著名場所演出。他還與有影響力的電視台和網路媒體合作,進一步鞏固了他作為才華橫溢、成就斐然的音樂家的聲譽。近十年曾與張學友、陳奕迅等頂級藝人合作演出. 鄧浩研現時為香港共融藝術音樂協會恆常大提琴手
Ethan Yang is an exceptionally talented Erhu player who is also visually-impaired. Originally from Harbin in Northern China, he has been living in Hong Kong since 2014. Yang is the recipient of the prestigious VSA International Young Soloists Award Winners, an honor he earned in 2022. The VSA International Young Music Awards is devoted to showcasing outstanding musicians with disabilities. As a winner, Yang delivered a heartwarming and impressive performance at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.
楊恩華於2015年獲香港國際藝壇第5屆國際民族器樂賽青年組二胡金獎、並在同年獲得「藝無疆:新晉展能藝術家大匯演2015」青少年組個人特別獎。2018年香港校際音樂節二胡深造組冠軍。2022年,恩華於美國VSA 國際青年獨奏家比賽中勝出並獲邀前往華盛頓肯尼迪中心演出。
Timth Liu is a premier-quality wedding and event pianist whose expert renditions of classical, jazz, and contemporary pop and rock tracks are guaranteed to bring sophistication, elegance, grace and that all-important sparkle to your special occasion. Despite being visually impaired, Timth has achieved remarkable success in his career, including passing his Grade 8 ABRSM piano diploma examination.
廖子康修讀古典音樂,主修鋼琴,曾在婚禮、宴會擔任鋼琴演奏及伴奏。Timth 是一位專業的編曲人。對本地流行曲創作尤其熱心。曾與多位本地年青創作歌手合作,亦參與不同的音樂表演。。幕後工作方面,曾替歌手製作 demo, 替youtuber、學校和企業編曲及製作音效; 近年也有參與”一百毛”影片音樂製作相關工作。
Sam Tsui was born blind but it did not stop him from pursuing music. In 2000, he received a generous support from donor and had the chance to compete and won the thrid place in the international Accordion Competition held in Switzerland. Sam is good at playing Jazz and Chinese classics. He hopes he can connect people with his music.
Mithra Poduval is the principal dancer of the Hong Kong arts without boundaries dance group "Aura", known for its boundary-defying performances. Upon relocating to Hong Kong a few years ago, Mithra has adeptly adapted to the city's vibrant atmosphere and rich culture. Having always loved music and being on stage, she uses her dance to connect with people’s hearts through hip hop and other dance styles.
Mithra Poduval 是香港共融藝術音樂協會-舞團「Aura」的首席舞者。幾年前移居香港後,Mithra 熟練地適應了這座城市充滿活力的氛圍和豐富的文化。一直熱愛音樂和舞台的她,透過Hip Hop和其他舞蹈風格用她的舞蹈與人們的心靈建立聯繫。
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